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Greetings Hawks!


It is an honor to be able to serve a second term as your President of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore National Alumni Association.  I am honored to serve alongside of an amazing team of Hawks.  Sharing this honor with me are the 2024-2026 Executive Board: Hope R. Greene, 1st Vice President,  Brooke Segal, 2nd Vice President, Jenell Ellison, Esq., 4th Vice President, Scarlette Howard, Recording Secretary, Imani Payne, Corresponding Secretary, Randy Fitzgibbons, Treasurer, Cimmon Byrd, Parliamentarian, Dr. Valerie Robinson, Chaplain and last but certainly not least, Damon Thompson-Estes, Sergeant at Arms.  We are thankful for the many Hawks that paved the way so that we could carry this torch.

We look forward to not only continuing our partnership with our alma mater but strengthening it as well.  We are thankful for our developing community partnerships and look forward to their growth.  We are committed to not only our mission, value and goals but that of the university as well.

Our Executive Board would like to thank all of our Local Alumni Chapter Presidents which complete the Board of Directors and would further like to extend our thanks to their executive boards.  Without the hard work of our front line volunteers, we would not exist.


We have a lot of work ahead and we need YOU.  Hope to see you soon!

With Hawk Pride,

Teonna L. Wallop, Class of 2000

UMES NAA President

Teonna L. Wallop

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As we continue to enhance the alumni experience by transforming the association into a ‘liaison’ for alumni and our beloved institution, the University of Maryland Eastern Shore,  it is our mission to keep you connected through our Alumni communities, news/events, and our UMES social networks as a way of donating to and receiving information on our Alma Mater. To ensure that you stay connected and reap the benefits of membership.

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Life Members Gallery

Emmanuel Acquah

Jennie Aden

Patricia Alexander

Muhammad Ali

Akira Ali

Derek T. Anderson

Sandra Anderson

Lorrie Armfield

William Armstrong

Christopher Artis

Damon Ashton

Edith Aydlett-Whitmore

Charletta Ayers

Ava Baker

Donald Baker

Willie L. Baker, Jr.

Ailsa Barnes

Myrtle Bastein

Andrew Bates

Titus Better

Lakisha Black-Scarlett

Brenda Blake

Joyce Blake

Kunye Booth

Carter Boston

Hilliard Boulware, Sr.

Charis Bowling

Wendell Brady

Leslie Brazil

Ronald Briggs

Larry Brogden

Christine Brooks

Floyd Brothers

Eric Moby Brown

Charles Brown, Jr.

Melinda Bryant

Carl Bryant, Ph.D.

Joni Bullock-Briscoe

Rhett Burden

Charles Bush

John Butler

Cimmon Byrd

Sharon Campbell

Rudolph Carter

Dr. Michael Casey

Eric D. Chandler

Shelita M. Chandler

Roland Chase

Angela Chisley

Jacqueline Clemons

Tyrone Clifton

James Coates

Karmalita Contee

Sgt. Albert W. Cooks

Handy Cornish

Nicole Council

Emil Cromwell

Marshall Cropper

James Curtis

Sharita Curtis

Debra Dagwan

Jennifer Dashiell-Reed

J. Diane Davis

William Dennis

Jeffrey Dixon

Thomas Dortch, Jr.

Calvin Dotson

Alba Downing

Starletta DuPois

Deborah Edwards

Keisha English

Joseph Ennis

Barbara Eure

Herman Eure

Ricky Farley

Valerie Farrar

Richard Fisher

Randy Fitzgibbons

Edward Fontaine

Richard Forchion

Myah Foster

Jacqueline Fowlkes

Melvin Fowlkes

Thomas Frasier

Klancie Garrel

Joyce Gates

Wendy Giles

Judge Clifton Gordy, Jr.

Eric Goslee

Frederick Grant

Kurt Gray

Samuel Gray

Barbara Green

Brenda Green

Amy Greene

Hope Greene

Charles Gregg

Stephanie Grissom

Stephanie B.Gumby

Ramona Haggerty

Kirkland Hall

Krystal Hamlet

Ardenia Handy

Christen Handy

Angela Harmon

Reginald Harris, Sr.

Lachelle Harrison

Michelle Hasty

Alphonso W. Hawkins

Ernestine Hawkins-Kearney

McKinley Hayes

Christina Haygood

Deborah Hayman

Joshua Hazelton

Lewis Hendrick

Tonya Henry

Yolanda Hicks

Melvin Hill

Monica Hill

Ralph Hodge

Dr. Thomas Holt

Faye Howell

Jennifer Hudson

Rev. Brenda Hughey-Jones

Lisa Jackson

Dianna James

Michelle Jefferson

Takia Jenifer

Eloa Johnson

Kenneth Johnson

Myrtle Johnson

Robert Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

Joanne Johnson-Shaw

Shelby Johnson

Anthony Jones

Brendal Jones

Dana Jones

Horatio Jones

Richard Jones

Stanley Jones

Dr. Tabitha Jones-McKnight

Walter Jones

Otho E. Jones

Thurston Jones, IV

Dr. Marvin L. Jones, Jr.

Marvin L. Jones, Sr.

Christina Junior

Monica Kay

Robert Kearney, III

Annetta Kelly

Carl Kelly, Sr.

C. Kennedy

Aaron King

Camille King-Hinmon

Monique King

Thelma Knight

Sherman Lambert

Thomas LaVeist

Charles Laws

John Lee

Luther Lighty

Cynthia Lilly-Hughes

David Louden

Edna Lowe

Grace Lowe

John T. Lucas, Jr.

James Lunnermon, II

Danyelle Maddox

Leroy Maddox, Jr.

Toby Madison

Norton Major

KaToya Manns

Jane Mantey

Andre Martin, Jr.

Oswald Martin

Dr. Geraldine E. Mason

Joseph Mason

M. McCloud

Isaiah McKenzie

Sylvia McQueen

Roscoe Mercer

Jennifer Miles

William Mitchell

Sheila Mitchell-Spievey

Dr. Leslie A. Mobray

Wanda Molock

Orrin Moore

Hadiyah Mujhid

Anthony Murrill

Floyd Myers

Robert Newton

Lois Norman

Delores Oden

Regenia Oden

Robert Olden

Margaret Paige-Bacon

Hamilton Parran

Hattie Penn

Larry Penn

Virginia Perry

Tamara Peterson

Thelma Phillips

Gerogann Pigott

James Pinder

Ishaq Pitt

Beverly Polk

Dr. Clarence Polk

Hugh Polk

Dr. Leon Pringle

Bryant Queen

Sylvia Quinton

Robin Ransom

Dr. Benita Rashaw

Doris Revell

Joshua Rich

Dr. Earl Richardson

James Richmond

William Roberts

Esther Robinson

Georgetta Robinson

Dr. Valerie Robinson

Che Rogers

Dianna Rogers-Ford

Harold Russell

Dr. Mia B. Russell

Fathiyyah Salaam

Daniel Savoy

Loretta Savoy

Nathan Scarlett

Alphonso Seabrook

Towanda Searles

Sandra Sharp

Charlotte Simmons

Allen Singleton

Bernell Smith

Byron Smith

Edgar Smith

John Wesley Smith

Barbara Spencer

Willie Spencer

Eric Spencer

Dora Stanley

Francesca Stephens

Lewis Stephens

Faith Stevens

George Stewart

Peggy Stewart

Lelia Stewart

Andre Thomas Stewart

Dr. John Stump

Gregory Sutton

Edsel Swann

Dr. Tia Tate

Allen Taylor

Arlene Taylor

Deborah Taylor

Andrea Taylor

Kennedy Taylor

Frederick Thomas

Percy Thomas

Brent Thompson

Erika Thompson

Melinda Tinsley

Barbara A.Trott-Jones

George Trotter

Anshay Tull

Eleanor Turner

Sherwin Turner

Darleata Tyler-Osborne

Donna Tymus

Eric Van Hall, Jr.

Gioia Y.Wallace

Teonna Wallop

Douglas Walls

Lovell Walls

Marie Webb

Tyrone Wells

Nelva White

Dr. James White, Jr

Lisa Wigfall-Johnson

Charles Wilkins

Christie Williams

Vernetta Williams

Enor Williams, Jr.

Latina Wilson

George Wilson

John Wilson

Deborah Wooden

Blanche Wright

Carol Wright

2024-2025 Alumni Giving
July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025


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Our Hawkcoming 2024 Sponsors

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Maryland, Maryland, thee will we love always.
All hail to thee fair Maryland, All glory be to thee!
Grow thou in strength and honor, Through all eternity!

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University of Maryland Eastern Shore

National Alumni Association, Inc.

National Alumni Association
30665 Student Services Center Lane
Princess Anne, Maryland  21853

University of Maryland Eastern Shore National Alumni Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 52-1667682. Donations are tax-deductible. 

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The UMES National Alumni Association, Inc. is a 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) tax-exempt organization

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